Sunday, February 17, 2008

Ki Sisa, Shemos 30:12. Charity and Palindromes.

This post has been moved to Beis Vaad LeChachamim.


  1. Then there is the famous answer, attributed to the Ibn Ezra, as to whether pieces of bees that are in honey make it treif. He was mattir, because
    פרשנו רעבתן שבדבש נתבער ונשרף
    which means "we have explained that the consumer in honey (the bee) is consumed and incinerated."

    Please let me know if you ever find out the source of this ma'amar.

  2. I don't know yet: I heard this when I was learning Chullin many years ago, but I don't remember where it comes from. I called the biggest expert on the Ibn Ezra that I know, Dr. Abraham Lipshitz, who has printed several sefarim on the Ibn Ezra, but he didn't know off hand. I am hoping he will be annoyed enough to track it down for me. He is in Israel now, but I think he will have something for me when he gets back to the US, and when that happens I will post the information, bln.

  3. I checked the Otzer Hachamah got two matches that just brought it down a Zemiros and a sefer called Tiv Haparsha

  4. That will have to do for the time being. But zemiros? Can it be that someone wrote a zemer with that kind of word play and didn't insert his name in the roshei shuros?

  5. The final word on attribution: Nobody has any reliable attribution on the Ra'avsan line.


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