Monday, November 03, 2008

Retrospective and Prospective

Retrospective: Regarding the point I brought up earlier, whether it is best to sit silently or to talk to an Aveil, in the comments on the last piece I bring a Teshuva from Reb Moshe, OC V 20:21, where he encourages the menachamim to talk to the Aveil. However, it seems obvious to me that there are times when silence says more than talk. Vayidom Aharon, and the Kol Demama Daka, said more than any words could have.

Prospective: I plan to write the next piece on Zechus Avos. See Sanhedrin 104, "lo abba mezakeh bra," which seems to mean that the zechus of a father cannot help his son, and Shabbas 55, "tama zechus avos," where all shitos seem to agree that the Zechus Avos account has long been depleted and is now closed. I hope to discuss the approach of the Rashba, Rabbeinu Tam, and the Maharal, and to suggest some new ideas. If you have yedios that are not on my list, instead of hammering me after I've written it, do me a favor and send them in to me, either here or at my address,


  1. michtav me'Eliyahu, primarily vol 1 p 8. No fair taking away hammering opportunities. "I'd hammer in the morning..."

  2. I concur we like to complain.Dont take away our Joy.

  3. Here's a kosher version:

  4. see also or zarua 1:106 the peice about r. yonason

  5. Which Or Zarua? The Rivam on masechtos or the talmid of the Ramchal on Yehoshua and Shoftim? And if the latter, and to some degreee even if the former, is this something one normally has in his library???

    So how about sending a scan or a precis? If not, there's enough to write about anyway, and thanks for the mm.


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