Monday, June 30, 2008

A Difference Between Me and Moshe Rabbeinu

Moshe Rabbeinu faced the opposition of Korach, a wealthy man who thought that Moshe Rabbeinu was just too frum and out of touch with the common man. Since the Machane Yisrael was the only game in town, Moshe Rabbeinu was locked in a mutually destructive pas de deux with Korach and his hangers on.

Moshe Rabbeinu faced the constant complaining of Dasan and Aviram, who decided that Moshe was unfit to lead the nation, but who probably would have given grief to any leader. I don't know if they were libertarians or anarchists, but they definitely had authority issues. Since the Machane Yisrael was the only game in town, and there was nowhere else for a Jew to go, he was stuck with them.

Moshe Rabbeinu was confronted by the Mis'onenim, who yearned for a luxurious life, even when that self-indulgence came at the expense of spiritual growth. By Avraham and Lot, Avraham could say "Kol Ha'aretz lefanecha, hipared nah mei'alai, im hasmol, ve'eiminah...." This was not an option in the Midbar. Since the Machane Yisrael was the only place a Jew could be, he was stuck with them.

Moshe Rabbeinu was challenged by the Eirev Rav, who wanted to be led by a young calf, the Eigel, who promised to organize picnics and dances and youth groups, and who didn't have that annoying dolorous countenance of Moshe Rabbeinu, with his never ending expectations. And they had come up with their own Eigel, it was not forced upon them. And the Eigel had the good sense to be mute, always an advantage in a Rabbi. Since the Machane Yisrael was the only game in town, he was stuck with them.


  1. Moshe receieved the Torah MiSinai which included the mishnah "v'lo ata ben chorin l'hibatel meimenah". So did you

  2. "Not stuck with them" doesn't mean abdicating duty, just that nobody has to deal with an irreparable incompatibility when they can go and join or build another place more to their liking.

  3. Mai Inyan Shmittah(Me) Etzel HAr Sinai(Moshe Rabbeinu)

  4. Oh, just politics as usual. Moshe Rabbeinu, considering his unique relationship with the Ribono shel Olam, and the trouble he had with his people, is a warning and a consolation to anyone considering, or involved in, Rabanus.

  5. Ah you have your own AM KISEH OREF

  6. By the way, Anonymous Drush Dropper Guy, I liked the Brisker Rov you left on the other post, about Zos Hatorah limiting Kares to explicit Tumas Meis, and excluding Tumas Meis that is learned from a Drasha. Yasher Koach.


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