Sunday, February 15, 2009

Mishpatim, Shemos 22:23-24. Ki yitz’ak...v’shamati...Chanun Ani. The Essence of Torah is Chesed.

This post has been moved to Beis Vaad.


  1. thank you for the picture...lekayyem mah sh'neemar....v'hoyu einecha ro'os es morecha

  2. This story of Shmuel and R' Yehuda brings to mind a story often quoted by my Rosh Yeshiva, R Yehuda Amital: The Ba'al Ha-Tanya was once studying in a room next to the room his grandson was studying and in the third room there was a baby. When the baby started to cry, the grandson continued to learn (being so engrossed in his learning he didnt hear the child while the Ba'al Ha-Tanya got up and went to comfort the baby. Later the ba'al Ha-Tanya told his grandson "if you can't hear the baby cry their is something wrong with your learning" (this is a recurring theme of R' Amital - that we always must keep an open ear to the problems of am yisrael even though we are in Yeshiva)

  3. Note: it's supposed to be 'There" not their.

  4. Greetings, Gush. I hope you're learning well.

    What There/their?

  5. You quoted half the story - R' Chiya said he would raise the animals, produce leather, write scrolls, and then use those scrolls to trach Torah so it would never be forgotten. In other words, for every halacha he learns and teaches there is enormous preparation -- it's not just that he drops into the beis medrash, says a brilliant sevara, and retires for the day. He was saying that his Torah was greater because he has more hachana and ameilus.

    Netziv to this week's parsha 19:3 quotes this gemara (are you writing this because you saw that Netziv?).

  6. Chaim, I don't think the other half of the story makes Reb Chiya's response any better. First of all, his ameilus wasn't in his own learning, it was in creating a matzav of pure kedusha for his talmidim, as you know from the Mahrsha and the Gaon and others. In fact, I think you said that vort from Reb Yakov on the passuk Atzei Shitim Omdim. And even if his ameilus was in his own learning, all his work, though laudable and deserving of greater schar, doesn't make him a bigger lamden, just like ameilus in Sukkah doesn't make you a bigger lamden. It just shows his love and dedication to the mitzva of lilmod ulelameid. The only taineh you can have is that it's not chesed per se that he demonstrated. OK, that I agree with. But it still shows that besides geonus and bekius, there are other factors that may be more significant in rating gadlus batorah.

    Gush, I finally found the their that shouldn't have been there because it should have been there. But you should know that by the generally accepted shoot-from-the-hip internet standards your comment was just fine the way it was.

  7. Chaim, the Netziv is in 19:2 le'misporom, and thank you for pointing it out, and I see why you held it was a raya to you, but I say that my point is still 100% valid, and even the Netziv is not saying not like me. Whose pshat in the Gemara do you want to hear, whose psakim do you want to hear, the bigger lamden's or the bigger tzadik's?

  8. This is the best picture ever this is a keeper.

  9. The first comment on the thread and the most recent are not talking about the same picture.

    Thank you, Anon 5:50. She's a star!

    If only adults could have the sense and hakaras hatov to appreciate Hashem's gifts and experience the pure, simple joy that my grandaughter shows in this picture! That, in itself, is sort of a lesson.


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