Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Chanuka Gift from my Shiur

I am blessed with a chevra of good friends and good talmidim.  They all know that there is no need to buy me presents, but over all of my objections, they often express their friendship, and their appreciation for the shiur, through generous and creative gifts.  Last Chanuka, they bought me a massive snow blower.  This year, reason prevailed (though it was a close call, as you'll see below,) and they bought me a beautiful hand-made (and very substantial) sterling mezuza case by the artist Michael Kupietzky.

The interesting thing, and proof positive that my shiur is unique, is that when I spoke to my wife on the phone, she asked me what the shiur gave me, and I told her, a beautiful sterling mezuza case, and she asked "Why?"   I answered, truthfully, that the guys told me that it was because they wouldn't ship the crossbow to Illinois.


  1. Yes, it is very beautiful. It asks to be touched and looks soft, as if it were flowing silver and parchment at the same time.

  2. Sounds like the guys in your shiur are awesome.

  3. You got that 100% right. The guys in my shiur are truly awesome. The best part is that they sincerely want to grow in Torah knowledge, and the gifts are their way of expressing their appreciation for what they've learned.

  4. i read a lot of stuff and i found that the way of writing to clearifing that exactly want to say was very good so i am impressed and ilike to come again in future..
    Unusual Gifts For Men


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