Wednesday, December 10, 2014

So the New York Times is Not Entirely Useless

From an article on December 11 2014. We might never have known about Slivovitz and Gribenes.

Although rendering poultry fat is a simple task for chefs, the technique is a lost art for many home cooks. To help remedy this, Alana Newhouse, the editor of Tablet magazine, has an annual schmaltz-making party at her home in Brooklyn that she calls the “schmixer.”
Not only does she show people how to make traditional schmaltz, she also encourages guests to flavor individual batches with herbs, spices and even chiles. Everyone takes home a small Mason jar of the gorgeous fat.
All her guests love it. “One can easily peg this to nostalgia, and maybe that’s part of it,” Ms. Newhouse said. “But it’s also real engagement.”She added that the newfound interest in schmaltz may parallel the resurgence of interest in tradition among Jews in their 20s and 30s, who, unlike their immigrant forebears, are not afraid that a display of Jewishness is a threat to their American identity. And schmaltz is delicious, which can come as a surprise to the uninitiated.
But the real showstoppers at the party, Ms. Newhouse said, are the gribenes, which guests wash down with shots of slivovitz, Eastern European plum brandy.
“There’s nothing quite like a slivovitz-gribenes high,” she said. “It turns out our ancestors were quite wise.”


  1. New York Times Erases Israel from Map:

    How to Convict the New York Times
    of Unfair Bias Against Israel:

  2. Oy, this is an old post.
    I agree that the NYT is not a friend of the Jewish People. But even those that are indifferent to our survival sometimes have something good to say.

  3. Many Jews know that The New York Times hates Israel, but few Jews know that The New York Times also hates Judaism, as proven by these articles:

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