Thursday, December 19, 2019

President Trump. The Concept of Eilu v'Eilu in Real Life.

President Trump is a living example of the rule of אלו ואלו דברי אלוקים חיים, that when there is a machlokes in the Gemara, both sides are true, even when they seem totally contradictory. 

In Megilla 12a there's a machlokes Rav and Shmuel whether Achashveirosh was a clever man or a total idiot.
רב ושמואל חד אמר מלך פיקח היה וחד אמר מלך טיפש היה

You have to wonder, how can Rav and Shmuel both be right? If he was a tipeish, then he couldn't have been a chacham, right? 

So baruch hashem, the RBSO sent us Donald John Trump, who totally embodies both. 

There is no doubt that he is a tipeish, and despite that, there is no doubt that he is a chacham. 

The left must long have been aware of this ability to comprise contradictory traits - they accuse him of arousing antisemitism - while half his family is Jewish and he has given more charity to Jewish organizations than all the previous presidents combined; they say he is ruining the economy - while all sorts of business flourish in the US; that he endangers Israel by supporting Netanyahu and causing disenchantment among the local Arabs - while in Israel ninety percent of the Jews think he is wonderful, and so forth.

And now we, too, recognize this remarkable quality.

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