I am going to present statements in Chazal, followed by a discovery that is currently in vogue among paleontologists. Then I will leave it to you to draw your own conclusion.
You most likely will agree that this is the closest anyone has gotten to identifying what Chazal were talking about, and you will be reminded of the passuk in Tehillim Chazal often quote (Sotah 4b, San 48b, Chag 3b) סוד ה' ליראיו.
This legendary bone is mentioned in Halacha. We are told that this bone only derives sustenance from the food we eat at the Melaveh Malkah. It therefore derived no nourishment from the fruit of the עץ הדעת that Adam Harishon ate ( 'אליה רבה או"ח ש' ט and the Levush there,) and was not included in the Gzeira of death.
What is this bone? At my oldest son's, Harav Mordechai's, Sheva Brachos, our uncle Harav Hagaon Moshe Tendler said over the Medrash, and he continued and said, (I think I'm quoting him verbatim,) "It's a beautiful Chazal. The problem is, there ain't no such bone."
He continued and said that the derisive challenge posed by Adrianus was, how can you Jews think that you will ever regain autonomy and live out some glorious future? You are beaten, you are dispersed, and you are despised. There is nothing left of you. You will assimilate with our dominant and advanced culture, as all other nations have, and your history will soon be nothing more than a vague memory. Reb Yehoshua answered him, there is a bone in the spine of the Jew that that can not be vanquished. You might bend him, but that bone in his spine remains unbent. If you burn him, it doesn't burn. If you crush him, that bone remains uncrushed. The Jew carries eternity within himself, and nothing you can do will destroy that.
Nonetheless, many have tried to identify the bone Chazal are talking about. See, for example, the Wiki article on the Luz bone.
The estimable physicians and Talmidei Chachamim Drs Rosner and Reichman wrote an article about it, citing the various theories, and ultimately concluding that this bone, as Harav Tendler said, is best left to the domain of Jewish legend.
Now you know as much as anyone about the Luz bone as described in Chazal and among the Mekubalim. With this knowledge in hand, please see the following articles.
The Skull’s Petrous Bone and What It Can Tell Us About Ancient Humans: Q & A with Genetic Archaeologist David Reich
Neither femur nor tooth: Petrous bone for identifying archaeological bone samples via forensic approach
Ancient DNA extracted from Neanderthal fossils of Gibraltar for the first time
The sudden flood of DNA information being retrieved from this bone over the last few years brought about a sea change in paleontology, to the extent that one article humorously described the Petrous Bone as being "the New Black."
Petrous bone is the new black
The point of all these articles is that DNA deteriorates rapidly. Even the hard femur and teeth eventually are infiltrated and adulterated, and after a few thousand years in the elements, no coherent genetic information can be prised from those bones. The one and only bone that retains its DNA for tens of thousands of years, even in warm and moist environments, is the Petrous bone. If, theoretically, you wanted to regenerate a particular human being from his DNA, your best chance would be to use the DNA from that bone.
As one of the article above puts it,
And here is a good photo of the star of this show. It is part of the Temporal bone, which is shown here in green -
More specifically,
and from the inside,
Here it is. The Petrous Bone.
In a human, the bone is around an inch long.
The word "Luz" itself either means an almond (according to the Aruch) or a hazelnut.
Here is an almond, in its shell.
and here is a hazelnut. This is an oblong variety.
Yes, I am aware that even the Petrous bone can be ground to powder; I understand that it is not nourished only from the Melaveh Malka, especially since it is present in all mammals, and kangaroos do not eat from the Melave Malka. I know that there are two, not one, Petrous Bones in each person, since most of us are bilaterally symmetrical. I also realize that one Medrash refers to it as the לוז של שדרה, and this is located in the bottom/lower side of the skull, slightly above the top of the spine. I am not saying (ἐπὶ ταύτῃ τῇ "πέτρᾳ") that on this "rock" I build any earth-shattering revelation. But after all these years of speculation and lofty condescension about Chazal's "imaginative" anatomical assertions, it's nice to see that looking behind this curtain doesn't expose human frailty and flaws. It reveals towering wisdom.
Reb Mordechai Twerski of Har Nof pointed out that when Chazal say "etzem haLuz," they may simply be referring to the DNA that happens to be best preserved there, and it is that biological blueprint that persists through crushing or melting or burning. In a sense, it is the pinimiyus of the etzem haLuz they are dealing with, not the rock-like container.So, dear Uncle Harav Tendler, twenty years later I can say that your drasha was, as your words always are, enlightening and unforgettable. It is beautiful and true and is surely the unstated meaning of the condescending challenge of Adrianus YMSh against Rav Chaninah and Rav Chanina's proud and prescient response. History has proven that Rav Chanina was right, and lehavdil bein hatamei v'hatahor, Adrianus was just another arrogant sheigitz - in this context, the epithet שחיק טמיא is amazingly apt. But as far as the Luz - yes, there sure is such a bone.
Reb Yaakov Emden in his siddur, on the names Luz and Naskoi, and, according to a Medrash HaNe'elam in Toldos quoted in the Wiki article above, also Besuel:
You most likely will agree that this is the closest anyone has gotten to identifying what Chazal were talking about, and you will be reminded of the passuk in Tehillim Chazal often quote (Sotah 4b, San 48b, Chag 3b) סוד ה' ליראיו.
(בראשית רבה, כח, ג):
ויאמר ה' אמחה את האדם, רבי לוי בשם רבי יוחנן אמר אפלו אסטרובלין של רחיים נמחה. רבי יהודה בר סימון בשם רבי יוחנן אמר אפלו עפרו של אדם הראשון נמחה. כד דרשה רבי יהודה בצפורי בצבורא ולא קבלו מיניה. רבי יוחנן בשם רבי שמעון בן יהוצדק אמר אפלו לוז של שדרה, שממנו הקדוש ברוך הוא מציץ את האדם לעתיד לבוא, נמחה. אדריאנוס שחיק עצמות שאל את רבי יהושע בן חנניא אמר לו מהיכן הקדוש ברוך הוא מציץ את האדם לעתיד לבוא, אמר לו מלוז של שדרה, אמר לו מנין אתה יודע, אמר ליה איתיתיה לידי ואנא מודע לך, טחנו ברחים ולא נטחן, שרפו באש ולא נשרף, נתנו במים ולא נמחה, נתנו על הסדן והתחיל מכה עליו בפטיש, נחלק הסדן ונבקע הפטיש ולא חסר כלום.
עץ יוסף שם-
לוז פי' עצם קטן כאגוז ועומד בסוף השדרה:
ויקרא רבה יח א
ויסתבל החגב זה לוז של שדרה. אדרינוס שחיק עצמות שאל את רבי יהושע בר חנניא אמר לו מהיכן הקדוש ברוך הוא מציץ את האדם לעתיד לבוא, אמר לו מלוז של שדרה, אמר לו מן הן את מודע לי, אייתי יתיה קומוי נתנו במים ולא נמחה, טחנו בריחים ולא נטחן, נתנו באש ולא נשרף, נתנו על הסדן התחיל מכה עליו בפטיש, נחלק הסדן ונבקע הפטיש ולא הועיל ממנו כלום.
This legendary bone is mentioned in Halacha. We are told that this bone only derives sustenance from the food we eat at the Melaveh Malkah. It therefore derived no nourishment from the fruit of the עץ הדעת that Adam Harishon ate ( 'אליה רבה או"ח ש' ט and the Levush there,) and was not included in the Gzeira of death.
בית יוסף אורח חיים סימן ש
לעולם יסדר אדם שלחנו במוצאי שבת וכו'. בפרק כל כתבי (קיט:). כתוב בשבלי הלקט (סי' קל) משל שמלוין את המלך ביציאתו כשם שמלוין אותו בכניסתו (ע' פסחים קג.) ובסדורים מפרש אבר יש באדם ונסכוי שמו ואינו נהנה באכילה אלא במוצאי שבת עכ"ל. וכתוב עוד שם (סוס"י קכט) נהגו לומר פיוטים וזמירות ללות השבת כדרך שמלוין את המלך בכניסתו וביציאתו:
מטה משה ח"ד סי' תקי"ג
משל שמלווין את המלך ביציאתו כשם שמלוין אותו בכניסתו.
בסדורים מפרש, איבר אחד יש בו באדם ונסכוי שמו ואינו נהנה באכילה אלא במוצאי שבת (שבלי הלקט סי' ק"ל). ואותו עצם הוא לוז שאינו נימוח ואינו נפחת ואינו נעכל לעולם.
משנה ברורה ש ס"ק ב
(ב) כדי ללוות וכו' - דכשם שצריך לכבד השבת בכניסתה כן צריך לכבדה ביציאתה כשם שאדם מלוה את המלך בצאתו מן העיר ומטעם זה נראה שטוב להקדימה כדי שתהיה סמוכה ליציאת השבת ואם אינו תאב עדיין לאכול מהנכון עכ"פ שלא יעסוק במלאכה בקבע עד שיקיים סעודה זו ועיין בשע"ת דמשמע דאינו כדאי בכל גוונא לאחרה יותר מחצות. ואמרו הקדמונים דאבר אחד יש באדם ונסכוי שמו וזה האבר נשאר קיים בקבר עד עת התחיה ואפילו אחר שנרקבו בו כל העצמות וזה האבר אינו נהנה משום אכילה כ"א מסעודת מלוה מלכה. ודע דמ"מ סעודה זו אינה חובה עליו כמו הג' סעודות של שבת דשם אסמכוהו אקרא וזה רק מצוה בעלמא ונ"מ היכי דא"א לו לקיים כולם:
What is this bone? At my oldest son's, Harav Mordechai's, Sheva Brachos, our uncle Harav Hagaon Moshe Tendler said over the Medrash, and he continued and said, (I think I'm quoting him verbatim,) "It's a beautiful Chazal. The problem is, there ain't no such bone."
He continued and said that the derisive challenge posed by Adrianus was, how can you Jews think that you will ever regain autonomy and live out some glorious future? You are beaten, you are dispersed, and you are despised. There is nothing left of you. You will assimilate with our dominant and advanced culture, as all other nations have, and your history will soon be nothing more than a vague memory. Reb Yehoshua answered him, there is a bone in the spine of the Jew that that can not be vanquished. You might bend him, but that bone in his spine remains unbent. If you burn him, it doesn't burn. If you crush him, that bone remains uncrushed. The Jew carries eternity within himself, and nothing you can do will destroy that.
Nonetheless, many have tried to identify the bone Chazal are talking about. See, for example, the Wiki article on the Luz bone.
זיהוי העצם
על מיקומה המדויק של עצם הלוז נחלקו דעות המפרשים:
יש אומרים שעצם זו נמצאת בחלקו העליון של עמוד השדרה, דהיינו חוליית הצוואר הבולטת (חוליית הצוואר השביעית, C7).
יש אומרים שעצם זו היא עצם הזנב (Coccyx) הנמצאת בקצה התחתון של עמוד השדרה. זו דעתם של בעל הערוך בערך "לוז": "פירוש חוליה קטנה שבסוף י"ח חוליות, וכל גופו של אדם נרקב חוץ מאותה חוליה ודומה לשקד", וכן של הרוקח. בעל הפירוש המיוחס לרש"י על המדרש, כותב שבשל דמיון עצם זו לשקד נקראת עצם הלוז.
יש אומרים שעצם זו נמצאת במקום קשר של תפילין. זו דעת מקובלים רבים ובראשם האר"י (ליקוטי תורה לאר"י פרשת שופטים), וכן דעתו של ר' אברהם אזולאי בספרו "אור החמה", פרשת נח, סימן ט'.
רב הונא אמר לא כך הוא, ואני הייתי במדינות הים, ושמעתי שהיו קוראים לאותו העצם של השדרה ההוא, הנשאר מכל הגוף בקבר (ואינו נרקב), בתואל הרמאי, דהיינו נוכל. שאלתי עליו, אמרו שצורתו כמו הראש של נחש, שהוא רמאי, ואותו העצם הוא רמאי יותר מכל שאר העצמות של הגוף. כי למדנו אמר רבי שמעון למה נשאר ומתקיים אותו העצם יותר מכל שאר העצמות, הוא משום שהוא רמאי, ואינו סובל טעם מזונות של בני אדם כמו שאר העצמות, ומשם זה הוא חזק יותר מכל העצמות, והוא יהיה השורש שהגוף יבנה ממנו, (בעת תחיית המתים), וזהו שכתוב בת בתואל הארמי... (תולדות נ, ועיין שם עוד)
Now you know as much as anyone about the Luz bone as described in Chazal and among the Mekubalim. With this knowledge in hand, please see the following articles.
The Skull’s Petrous Bone and What It Can Tell Us About Ancient Humans: Q & A with Genetic Archaeologist David Reich
Neither femur nor tooth: Petrous bone for identifying archaeological bone samples via forensic approach
Ancient DNA extracted from Neanderthal fossils of Gibraltar for the first time
The sudden flood of DNA information being retrieved from this bone over the last few years brought about a sea change in paleontology, to the extent that one article humorously described the Petrous Bone as being "the New Black."
Petrous bone is the new black
The point of all these articles is that DNA deteriorates rapidly. Even the hard femur and teeth eventually are infiltrated and adulterated, and after a few thousand years in the elements, no coherent genetic information can be prised from those bones. The one and only bone that retains its DNA for tens of thousands of years, even in warm and moist environments, is the Petrous bone. If, theoretically, you wanted to regenerate a particular human being from his DNA, your best chance would be to use the DNA from that bone.
As one of the article above puts it,
In addition to advances in genomic technology, another factor is driving the explosion of new discoveries—an inch-long section of the human skull. Found near our ears, this pyramid-shaped portion of the temporal bone is nicknamed the petrous bone. The bone is very hard, possibly because it needs to protect fragile structures such as the cochlea, which translates sound into brain signals, and the semicircular canals, which help us maintain our balance. Perhaps because the petrous bone is so dense, it also is the bone in the body that best preserves DNA after a person dies.
Same article:
(Reporter) Chris Palmer:What is so special about the petrous bone, and what role has it played in advancing research in this field?
David Reich:Bone powder taken from the petrous bone yields on average up to 100 times more DNA than powder from other, softer bones. Also, because it’s so dense, when the rest of a skeleton has crumbled into dust, the petrous bone often still remains. So, it’s been a real game changer for the field of ancient DNA.
Using the petrous bone as the source for ancient DNA has made it possible, for the first time, to begin to regularly extract DNA from older biological material, and from biological material that does not preserve very well, such as samples found in hot tropical environments.
Chris Palmer:Can you pinpoint when scientists realized the value of the petrous bone?
David Reich:In 2014 to 2015, a group in Ireland led by Ron Pinhasi published a paper that clearly documents how much better this type of bone was than other types of bone as a source for ancient DNA.
And here is a good photo of the star of this show. It is part of the Temporal bone, which is shown here in green -
More specifically,
and from the inside,
Here it is. The Petrous Bone.
The word "Luz" itself either means an almond (according to the Aruch) or a hazelnut.
Here is an almond, in its shell.
and here is a hazelnut. This is an oblong variety.
Yes, I am aware that even the Petrous bone can be ground to powder; I understand that it is not nourished only from the Melaveh Malka, especially since it is present in all mammals, and kangaroos do not eat from the Melave Malka. I know that there are two, not one, Petrous Bones in each person, since most of us are bilaterally symmetrical. I also realize that one Medrash refers to it as the לוז של שדרה, and this is located in the bottom/lower side of the skull, slightly above the top of the spine. I am not saying (ἐπὶ ταύτῃ τῇ "πέτρᾳ") that on this "rock" I build any earth-shattering revelation. But after all these years of speculation and lofty condescension about Chazal's "imaginative" anatomical assertions, it's nice to see that looking behind this curtain doesn't expose human frailty and flaws. It reveals towering wisdom.
Reb Yaakov Emden in his siddur, on the names Luz and Naskoi, and, according to a Medrash HaNe'elam in Toldos quoted in the Wiki article above, also Besuel:
אמר יעקב, מעודי הייתי משתאה על המראה, כשראיתי בספרים מדברים אודות העצם הלז - לוז של שדרה, ויש שקראוהו נסכוי... ואמרם שממנו בנין גוף האדם ואך הוא לבדו נשאר בקבר אחרי רקבון עצמות הגוף כי ממנו תתחיל התחיה לעתיד... ולא נודע מה טיבן של שמות הללו שנתנו לו... יותר מזה גדלה הפליאה כשלמדתי במדרש הנעלם פ' תולדות שנקרא בתואל רמאה... ומי הרואה מאמר זה ולא יפלא ממנו מה ענין שם בתואל... צער גדול היה לי ע"ד זה, ובדקתי בספרים פורש אין להם, ועתה בהיותי עוסק בענין הראוני מן השמים שכל ג' שמות הללו דבר אחד וכל דברי העצם אחת הן... וזה שנקרא בתואל גי' מת עם הכולל... חסר א' ממספר מת לרמז על זה שאינו מת אמיתי... הוא כמו כן רמאי... וכן ע"ד זה נקרא לוז שהוא גי' דם עם הכולל שממנו חיות האדם... אמנם נחסר ממנו ג"כ א' במספר להורות על זה כי הוא חי אצל המת ומת אצל החי, וזה שקראוהו עוד נסכוי מל' כי נסך עליכם ה' רוח תרדמה, שנראה כנרדם וגי' קום... ודי בזה לנבון.
"בספר 'אוצרות אחרית הימים' כתב בשם מרן שר התורה הגר"ח קניבסקי שליט"א שכך הם הדברים כפשוטם. יכול להיות יהודי שקיים כל חייו את כל התורה והמצוות אך לא אכל מלוה מלכה. אדם זה, עם כל הצער והכאב, לא יקום לתחיית המתים"
I absolutely do not believe that Reb Chaim ever said such a thing. It is obviously derived from Tosfos BK 16b that says
ויש מפרשים משום דאמרינן במדרש שיש עצם בשדרו של אדם שממנו נוצר לעת"ל ואותו עצם חזק וקשה כ"כ שאין האש יכול לשורפו, והשתא כשאותו עצם נעשה נחש אינו חי לעת"ל.
and Tosfos himself there ends by saying that he doesn't believe it, because it is an enormously disproportionate punishment for not bowing by Modim. The same is true for "not eating Melaveh Malka."
Reb Avrohom Wagner pointed out that this discussion should mention the city called Luz. in Sotah 46b the city where Tcheiles was manufactured is called Luz, and the Gemara says the Malach Hamaves could not ever enter that City. Whoever was tired of living would leave the city and die naturally. According to the Gemara in Sota, this is not the city that was called Luz which Yaakov renamed as Beis El (Breishis 28:19.) It was the city mentioned in Shoftim as having been built in the land of the Chitim by the one survivor of the old Luz whose Canaanite residents were killed by the Bnei Yosef (Shoftim 1:22-26.) From the story in Shoftim, you see that even though Yaakov renamed it Beis El, its residents still called it Luz.
However, the Medrash Rabba in Vayeitzei (69:8) says not like our Gemara. The Medrash states that the city of Tcheiles and immortality was the Luz that Yaakov renaaed Beis El.
The Medrash there also says that it was called Luz because its hidden entrance was through a hollow Luz tree. Rashi in Shoftim says that the entrance was next to a Luz tree.
Also, Luz is mentioned in the Aggadeta in Sukkah 53a, as the city where Shlomo HaMelech sent his Kushite scribes in a futile attempt to protect them from death.
In Sanhedrin 97a a city called Kushta was described as being absolutely truthful, and no one died before his time. I do not know if Kushta (the city of truth and immortality) and Luz (the city of Tcheiles and no premature deaths) are the same.
Reb Avrohom Wagner pointed out that this discussion should mention the city called Luz. in Sotah 46b the city where Tcheiles was manufactured is called Luz, and the Gemara says the Malach Hamaves could not ever enter that City. Whoever was tired of living would leave the city and die naturally. According to the Gemara in Sota, this is not the city that was called Luz which Yaakov renamed as Beis El (Breishis 28:19.) It was the city mentioned in Shoftim as having been built in the land of the Chitim by the one survivor of the old Luz whose Canaanite residents were killed by the Bnei Yosef (Shoftim 1:22-26.) From the story in Shoftim, you see that even though Yaakov renamed it Beis El, its residents still called it Luz.
However, the Medrash Rabba in Vayeitzei (69:8) says not like our Gemara. The Medrash states that the city of Tcheiles and immortality was the Luz that Yaakov renaaed Beis El.
The Medrash there also says that it was called Luz because its hidden entrance was through a hollow Luz tree. Rashi in Shoftim says that the entrance was next to a Luz tree.
Also, Luz is mentioned in the Aggadeta in Sukkah 53a, as the city where Shlomo HaMelech sent his Kushite scribes in a futile attempt to protect them from death.
In Sanhedrin 97a a city called Kushta was described as being absolutely truthful, and no one died before his time. I do not know if Kushta (the city of truth and immortality) and Luz (the city of Tcheiles and no premature deaths) are the same.
When I heard of the petrous bone the first thought I had was "this is for sure the Luz". Your page came up first on Google.
Amazing, isn't it? Especially in light of all the chatter out there about how it's "only a metaphor." Chazal outsmart us, once again.
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